
These are magazine articles, blog posts, and reviews.  For scholarly works, follow the links on the Research page on this site.

Institute for Family Studies

Trends in Young Adult Happiness: 1990 to 2022

(by Nick)

The Family Studies Blog

Bisexual America

(by Nick)

The Family Studies Blog

Is the Sex Recession Over?

(by Nick)


Father Absence Has Already Peaked

(by Nick)

The Family Studies Blog

There’s No Huge Gender Gap in Being Single Among Young Adults

(by Nick)

The Family Studies Blog

Testing Common Theories on the Relationship Between Premarital Sex and Marital Stability

(by Nick & Jesse Smith)

The Family Studies Blog

New Research on Cheap Sex and Marriage Chances

(by Nick & Sam Perry)

The Family Studies Blog

How We Should Really Think About Divorce: A Response to Cornwall and Coltrane

(by Nick)

Arc Digital

The Pros and Cons of Contraception

(by Nick)

The Salt Lake Tribune

Trudeau’s Response to the Trucker Protest is Harsh but Understandable

(by Nick)

Arc Digital

The New Dirty War Against Faculty

(by Nick)

The Family Studies Blog

Contours of the Sex Recession

(by Nick)

Deseret News

National Surveys Suggest Americans Are Having Less Sex. Here’s Why — or if — it Matters to the Future.

The Family Studies Blog

 Is the Sex Recession Turning into a Great Sex Depression?

(by Nick)

The Family Studies Blog

A Plea for the New Department of Education Guidelines on Campus Sexual Misconduct

(by Nick)

Salt Lake Tribune

Reaching a Compromise on Assault Weapons

(by Nick)

Social Forces

Review of Enduring Bonds, by Philip Cohen

(by Nick)

Family Studies Blog

Marriage Means Community Engagement: A Response to Mandy Len Catron

(by Nick)


Happiness and Academic Malpractice

(by Nick)

Family Studies Blog

Are Married People Still Happier?

(by Nick)

Family Studies Blog

Trends in the Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce, 1973-2018

(by Nick)

Family Studies Blog

Can Intelligence Predict Income?

(by Nick)


I Know what Intersectionality Is, and I Wish it Were Less Important

(by Nick)

Family Studies Blog

Does Having Children Make People Happier in the Long Run?

(by Nick)

Family Studies Blog

Does Sexual History Affect Marital Happiness?

(by Nick)

Family Studies Blog

Promiscuous America: Smart, Secular, and Somewhat Less Happy

(by Nick)

Family Studies Blog

Nine Decades of Promiscuity

(by Nick)

The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal blog

Title IX Is an Insult to Victims of Sexual Assault
(by Nick)


Quillette (edited version reprinted in the Wall Street Journal)

Pursuit of Injustice: Further Adventures Under Title IX

(by Nick)

Deseret News

Frivolous Title IX Investigations Are an Insult to Real Sexual Assault Victims

(by Nick)


How I Survived the Title IX Star Chamber

(by Nick)

Family Studies Blog

America’s Generation Gap in Extramarital Sex

(by Nick)

Family Studies Blog

Sex in Red and Blue America

(by Nick)

Family Studies Blog

Why Has Married Sex Declined?

(by Nick)

Huffingington Post

Milo Goes to College

(by Nick)

National Review

Hey Guys, Put a Ring on It

(by Nick & W. Bradford Wilcox)

Institute for Family Studies research brief

Men & Marriage: Debunking the Ball and Chain Myth

(by Nick & W. Bradford Wilcox)

Family Studies Blog

New Research on the Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce

(by Nick)

Family Studies Blog

Real Insights About Pornography and Marriage

(by Nick)

Huffingington Post

Why I’m a Liberal

(by Nick)

Family Studies Blog

Counterintuitive Trends in the Link Between Premarital Sex and Marital Stability

(by Nick)

First Things

The Latino Marriage Paradox

(by Nick & W. Bradford Wilcox)

Family Studies Blog

How to Talk about Single Motherhood

(by Nick)

Huffington Post

Explaining Trump

(by Nick)

National Review

Look Beyond Ferguson and Baltimore: The Good News about Black Men

(by Nick and W. Bradford Wilcox)

The Atlantic

How the Church Helps Black Men Flourish in America

(by Nick and W. Bradford Wilcox)

Family Studies Blog / National Review

Better Together: Religious Attendance, Gender, and Relationship Quality

(by Nick and W. Bradford Wilcox)

Huffington Post

To Save Lives, Make Peace with Assad Now

(by Nick)

Huffington Post

Republicans Have Happier Marriages. How Should Democrats React?

(by Nick)

Family Studies Blog

More than Money: The Liberal-Conservative Divide in Marriage

(by Nick & W. Bradford Wilcox)

Family Studies Blog

Red Families vs. Blue Families: Which Are Happier?

(by Nick & W. Bradford Wilcox)

National Review

What is a Single Mother?

(by Nick)

The Family Studies Blog

Replicating the Goldilocks Theory of Marriage and Divorce

(by Nick)

The Family Studies Blog

Want to Avoid Divorce? Wait to Get Married, But Not Too Long

(by Nick)

The Pacific Standard

The Changing Economics of Single Motherhood

(by Nick)

The Family Studies Blog

Sex and Divorce: What’s the Connection?

(by Nick and W. Bradford Wilcox)

The Academe Blog

How to Talk to Strangers

(by Nick)

The Atlantic

For Female Scientists, There’s No Good Time to Have Children

(by Nick)

Salt Lake Tribune

When Biology Does Affect Women’s Academic Careers

(by Nick)


Children of Divorce Vow to Break Cycle, Create Enduring Marriages


Tenure or Motherhood?

New York Times

What You Need to Know if You’re an Academic and Want to Be a Mom

MSN Money

15 Financial Moves to Make Before You Divorce

The Week

9 Negative Effects Divorce Reportedly Has on Children

Chronicle of Higher Education

An Academic Working Dad

ABC News

New York Gay Couples Rush to Marry, Perhaps Divorce

Deseret News

Ivory Tower Not Most Family-Friendly Place

Seattle Times

Marriage as Learned Behavior: Can Divorce be Foretold?

Del Mar Times

Economic Recovery Drives up Divorce Rate

Charlotte Observer

As Economy Improves, Divorces Rise

Huffington Post

Utah Lawmaker’s Proposal Would Create Additional Hurdle For Divorcing Parents


Study: Children of Multiple Divorces Likely to Do the Same

Salt Lake Tribune

Census: More Utahns Say ‘I Do’

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