Soul Mates will be officially launched at a book event at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC on January 19.
Here is the announcement from AEI. Everyone is invited to attend this free event.
If you plan on going, please RSVP. You can also visit this site to stream the event live (registration isn’t required). Video will be posted within 24 hours of the event.
Faith and family life among African Americans and Latinos in America Book Forum
Tuesday, January 19, 2016 | 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Breakfast will be served.
AEI, Twelfth Floor
1150 Seventeenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Leading voices in the public debate discuss a new book on the intersection of family life and religion among African American and Latino families.
Family life and the practice of religion have both changed dramatically over the past 50 years. Cultural and economic currents have caused a retreat from marriage along class lines, especially among African Americans and Latinos.
How does religion play into these trends, and where does African American and Latino family life stand today? W. Bradford Wilcox and Nicholas H. Wolfinger’s new book, Soul Mates: Religion, Sex, Love, and Marriage among African Americans and Latinos (Oxford, January 2016) — a joint venture of a conservative, married Catholic and a liberal, single nonbeliever — surveys family life in contemporary America, uses ethnographic and empirical analysis to explore religion’s benefits (and liabilities) for African Americans and Latinos, and discusses how social policy and religion might strengthen American families.
Please join AEI for a discussion of this ambitious book among leading experts. Books will be available for purchase before the event.
Join the conversation on social media with @AEI on Twitter and Facebook.
Helen Alvare, George Mason University Law School
Jamelle Bouie, Slate
Robert Doar, AEI
Ross Douthat, The New York Times
Jacqueline Rivers, Harvard University
Michelle Singletary, The Washington Post
Tony Suarez, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference
W. Bradford Wilcox, AEI, Institute for Family Studies, and the University of Virginia
Nicholas H. Wolfinger, University of Utah
For more information,
please contact Andrew Smith at